Just who is it that runs these camps and what are their qualifications?
This picture is from a 2011 UCG Youth Summer Camp that was posted on Facebook by Darris McNeely who is a United Church of God COE Member and Church Pastor who was supervising at this camp location. Do you notice something that is not right in this picture? Unless you are an archer like me you may not. The bows the youth are shooting are called re-curved bows. THEY ARE ALL STRUNG BACKWARDS! How do you spell METAPHOR? This is dangerous because they are not designed to be drawn backwards and poses a safety hazard and can destroy the bow. Just like Jesus taught new fabric could not be used to repair an old garment because the new will rip the old Luke 5:36. If the fiberglass bows break they could shower fiberglass and wood shards into the shooters faces and eyes causing injury and possible blindness. Which brings to mind the veil of blindness that is placed over those who read and teach the law, until Jesus is accepted through grace and faith, II Cor. 3:15. It was indicated this was later corrected. We wonder if these damaged bows were discarded or used anyway posing a further danger to future unsuspecting archers?
The UCG parents send their youth off to camp thinking they are in safe keeping Instead incompetent and obviously poorly trained staff are put in charge of teaching archery safety thus putting their young people in danger. As well as teaching them obsolete laws that cut them off from salvation in Christ by faith.
I wrote about a similar experience my children encountered that caused both my son and daughter injury with long term effects at the 1996 Philadelphia Church of God Youth Summer Camp.
Do the COG's have any real concern for the youth and their welfare, physically or spiritually? Apparently none. By teaching them anti-Christ theology it shows their only interest is in preserving their cash flow by following Herbert W. Armstrong's sociopath business model.